I’m a professional personal finance writer with over a decade of experience writing for others and 9 years of experience writing for the web. In this time, I’ve created content to help businesses turn prospective buyers into loyal customers.
Businesses need writers who know business. A business degree from the University of Alabama, experience at one of the largest consumer goods companies in the world, a hand in several family businesses, and managing my own business gives me the business acumen to help you engage readers and promote your business.
As any good writer should be, I’m an avid reader. My favorite publications like Forbes and Inc. help me stay on top of business news and trends. And as About.com’s Credit/Debt Management expert, it’s part of my job to know what’s happening in the world of SEO, social media, and internet trends.
Contact me via email – latoya (at) latoyairby (dot) com to discuss how I can help your business build trust and loyalty and make your customers long-term fans of your business.